2021 Gender Pay Report
At Bernard Matthews Foods Ltd, our people are at the heart of our business. It takes hard work and passion to be able to deliver our customers’ requirements every day.
We are proud that our workforce reflects a diverse and modern society and welcome the opportunity to report our Gender Pay data in accordance with The Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017.
Under the legislation, UK businesses employing upwards of 250 staff are required to disclose their Gender Pay Gap. You can find our statutory data and our commentary on the data below. We are confident as a business that over time, and with continued focus, significant progress will be made toward achieving a more balanced workforce and we will be able to continue to report progress.
Median Gender Pay Gap 2020 1.8%
Median Gender Pay Gap 2021 2.6%
Mean Gender Pay Gap 2020 11.5%
Mean Gender Pay Gap 2021 9.7%
The pay quartiles below show the proportion of male and female employees in the lower (Q1), lower middle (Q2), upper middle (Q3), and upper quartile (Q4) pay bands.
Lower quartile
Female 41.8%
Male 58.2%
Lower middle quartile
Female 33.9%
Male 66.1%
Upper middle quartile
Female 19%
Male 81%
Upper quartile
Female 27%
Male 73%
2020 to 2021 at a glance
The chart below shows the % of Female employees in the upper and lower quartiles for 2021 versus to 2020:
Year Upper quartile % Lower quartile %
2020 20.6% 40.4%
2021 20.2% 41.8%
The tables below show the mean and median bonus pay difference between male and female employees, and the percentage of men and women who received bonus pay within the required 12 month reporting period. As can be seen from the data below, no bonus payments were made in 2021.
Mean and Median Bonus Pay Gap
Mean 0%
Median 0%
Percentage of Males and Females Receiving Bonus
Mean 0%
Median 0%
At Bernard Matthews Foods Ltd, we believe that everyone should have the same opportunities regardless of gender and we will continue to strive to ensure that we create an inclusive culture where everyone has the opportunity to progress.
Our analysis has shown that our pay gaps are largely driven by an imbalance in the ratio of men and women, which increases further up the hierarchy (as shown in our pay quartile data). We continue to be confident that there is no imbalance in the rates of pay given to men and women doing the same or equivalent work, and nor is there a significant gap between men and women at the equivalent grade in our structure.
We have seen an improvement in the percentage of women in the Upper Quartile pay band, stabilising at circa 20% and there was a small increase in the Lower Quartile from 40% to 41%.
The Mean Gender Pay Gap has improved from 11.5% to 9.7% and the Median Pay Gap has increased from 1.8% to 2.6%. However, we believe that our data compares well against reported national figures. For example, Office for National Statistics reports a median pay gap of 11.6% across all sectors in 2021.
We will continue to review our progress against national data, the food manufacturing sector and our direct competitors in order to benchmark our progress over time.
It will take time to see significant changes but we will update our plans which includes reviewing our recruitment and retention strategies, review where we advertise roles and establishing gender balance shortlists from recruitment agencies.
I can confirm that our data is accurate.
Dean Hunter
HR Director